I found many sick brands such as DC, Burton, RVCA, Matix and many other trendsetting brands. I usually don't like big stores but Active is the exception, certainly because of its staff. they are super laid back, friendly and knowledgeable.
when I came back today they had a huge sale, 40% on clothes, shoes and accesories, it was packed of people. The staff was not overwhelmed, they kept the store organized and made sure of helping everyone.
Cory the event organizer for Active, set up an event outside the store for the local skater kids and had a BBQ ready for skaters and hungry shoppers. DC shoes even showed up to give away some DVD's and accesories.
It is nice to see that Active is keeping kids busy with fun activities to keep them out of trouble.
If you stop by at the store in San Diego, say hi to NIck or Bret, for sure they will be able to help you out finding what is right for you.
And for the locals, they are having a 50% sale tomorrow and 60% on Active clothes on friday, make sure to check it out.
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