I don't really understand what is so special about Vivo, they claim to come from the love of the snow,etc..and they use the best materials: looks like most mission statements from start up companies.
I have watched couple of their videos featuring their products so make sure not to eat anything before it is like being on a boat during a storm.
However they did signed a pretty good snowboarder Tadashi Fuse.
Here is a copy/paste from the website:
Combining their passion for snow, skate and
street fashion, CEO Anthony Leffelaar (left) and
Creative Director Cameron Beedell (right), along
side their artistic team, developed a life-style
brand all their own. A boutique approach – with
versatility in mind, the highly anticipated Vivo
Headwear makes its debut.
Vivo Headwear is a company focused on bring-
ing you high-end exclusive products working
with premium fabrics and attention to
detail. Vivo knows your everyday fit from street
to snow. We work with our heavy hitting team
to bring you what the riders want. Vivo embod-
ies the past, epitomizes the present and lives to
develop the future.
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